Monday, May 9, 2011

Kickin' butt - a break through on day 28

3/9/10  Tuesday

“White crane spreads it’s wings”

She walks with Ms. Eliza Doolittle singing “I Could’ve Danced All Night”

Teri undergoes her 4th bone marrow.  She takes a light dose of Ativan as a pre-procedural sedation.  Her nurse says she has a very high pain tolerance compared to others who undergo repeat bone marrows.  She has the aspiration – the bone spiccules were sufficient – she didn’t need the biopsy.  She has minimal pain and tells Dr. N. that he remains her #1 oncology fellow.  He tells us about the first immunization for his 11 week old son and how he was up the night.  Teri says she at peace this morning.  She was visualizing the healing tree from Avatar with its lighted tenacles. 

The results are coming back late Wednesday or Thursday.

Her weight is 121 lbs down 18 lbs from its peak.  Her WBC is up to 1,100 and platelet count up to 188,000, now normal!

Dad is having a repeat attempt at a spinal tap and bronchoscopy to get brain and lung samples.  He is stable and feeling calmer today.

Anita & Henry’s Wellness Kitchen had been cooking into the night.  They have menus planned for the next several days in the freezer.  They have pre-prepared and packed today’s lunch and dinner.  They don’t want to have Teri to go into culinary withdrawal.  They have satisfied all her cravings and more.
Not to be outdone by Laverne and Shirley, her NY girlfriends, Suzanne, Lois, Lu and Becky got her Taxi which she is already enjoying.

Late breaking:  Dr. H. interrupts our dinner and tells Teri that she has 4% blasts and has achieved Remission!  This means she can go home for a week!  Teri felt it in her body last night.  We are still looking for a match, scouring the Far East.

Who do we thank?  Teri’s positive focus, fighting spirit, fastidious adherence to her neutropenic regimen, and avoiding ‘deconditioning’ (getting out of shape) through walking and Tai Chi.  AND, ALL OF YOU WHO SENT PRAYERS – RELIGIOUS AND AGNOSTIC, POSITIVE THOUGHTS (in cards, phone calls and e-mail), ENERGY IN ALL FORMS (Reike), AND WHO HAVE TURNED HER HOSPITAL ABODE INTO A LOVING WEB OF AVATAR-LIKE LUMINESCENT ENERGY. 

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