Monday, May 9, 2011

A joyous holiday


Teri was released from the cancer gulag, shed her hospital garb for the first time in 80 days, and returned to her own abode on Thursday 12/16.  She was 10 lbs lighter, constantly nauseated, completely lacking in energy, sleeping much of the day, unable to react to even positive news … a shell of her former self.

In tandem, on Monday 12/20, baby Jack arrived while she was still getting a transfusion at the cancer day hospital and several medications that potentially were causing significant side effects were stopped.

Baby Jack was like a shot of infant adrenaline, a drink of baby red bull, that began to resuscitate her … and within 48 hours she began to regain her persona, her animus, her joie de vivre, her self.

Snuggling, holding, rocking, calming, changing, bathing, putting to sleep, napping with, kissing and sniffing.

Ben came and became a tiger’s uncle.  Greatgrandpa was thrilled.

Our life began to assume a baby’s rhythm … feeding, burping, changing, napping, sleeping.  Grandma Teri and grandpa B were able to give John & Rachel respite to go to the health club.  There J & R introduced Ben and I to spinning and we survived our first exhaustive aerobic circulating experience. 

Our life centered on new life and rejuvenated life, Jack and Teri.

Even though no preparations had been able to be made for Christmas in Milwaukee, with Rachel & John’s help, a small artificial tree and presents appeared almost magically. 

Our X-mas was joyous, poignant, laden with love, spoken and unspoken.  Great food, John’s pot roast for X-mas, family stories, games and Jack filled our days.
Our life has temporarily resumed some normal routines, excepting the IV antibiotics 3 times a day, with Teri venturing out in public, talking to neighbors, talking on the phone, organizing her desk and her kitchen (with sister Terri from California, and even cooking a few dinners.

It is amazing to see the Teri I have known reemerge after three months.

May 2011 look up for all of us.


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