Tuesday, September 10, 2013

2 years

Last Monday was the 2nd anniversary. 

After a wonderful 3 day weekend with my best friend Steve spent reminiscing, playing 3 hours of tennis, going to three movies (more than a whole year’s worth), eating out thrice, all a trios.  Monday was a quiet day.

That was good.

But it was filled with music.  And I talked to the kids.

During the art fair, juxtaposed to 50,000+ hogs in the Harley-Davidson parade vrooming past our condo, I purchased several albums of various well known violin etudes that the kids played when young and Suzuki.  On that Monday, as I played them, I realized that many of Teri’s favorites were there:  Ave Maria, Fiddler on the Roof, Phantom, Schindler’s List …  The soul touching tunes brought back memories.  Some of the painful complications upon complications, hospitalizations upon hospitalizations.  Her fight and her fight.  Some of the good times, especially in Vancouver pre-Jack, at Jack’s first Christmas in Milwaukee, and in Columbus for Teri’s birthday.  And I looked at the photo albums that she compiled during her illness.  And I realized her focus was family, especially Jack.

So now, what is the meaning of Teri’s life and what have I learned from it? 

I enjoy Ben, Rachel and John, their challenges and successes. 
I revel in my grandson Jack who calls and leaves messages for me
I know Teri would relish granddaughter Naomi whose strong will she would recognize and support.
I delight in Teri’s favorite now resuscitated jasmine trees whose blossoms fragrant the entire condo.
I savor the friendships that have lasted and profound conversations that somehow happen.
And I take care of my father, as best as I can.

And so I endure. 

Thank you for all the calls and e-mails.  They mean a lot.

Circular wings spin
Into and out of the wind
Flying headlong, free

The way leads two ways
Trekking the precipice
Leaping to fate or folly